
Moonjun Gong

Undergraduate Student
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

About Me

I am a senior undergraduate student at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT). I have been a research student in AI4CE LAB at New York University(NYU), working with Yiming Li, advised by Prof. Chen Feng since Mar.2023. Before this, I was a research student in COST LAB at BUPT from Mar.2022 to Mar.2023, advised by Prof. Jianqin Yin.

Research Interests

I am passionate about computer vision and its application to robotics, with a focus on enhancing robots’ perception and planning abilities. Previously, I curated large-scale datasets to support the development of reliable algorithms. Moving forward, I aim to develop perception algorithms that can generalize effectively across diverse datasets with varying settings. This adaptability is crucial for the widespread adoption of autonomous systems. I am also intrigued by collaborative autonomous intelligence, as it allows autonomous robots to share and validate perception results and extend their perception range, which has the potential to significantly enhance the robustness and accuracy of the entire system.

In conclusion, my research interests are as follows:



  1. arXiv
    Moonjun Gong*, Xinhao Liu*, Qi Fang, Haoyu Xie, Yiming Li, Hang Zhao, Chen Feng (*Equal contribution)
    arXiv, 2023.

  2. arXiv
    Moonjun Gong*, Yiming Li*, Sihang Li*, Xinhao Liu*, Kenan Li, Nuo Chen, Zijun Wang, Zhiheng Li, Tao Jiang, Fisher Yu, Yue Wang, Hang Zhao, Zhiding Yu, Chen Feng (*Equal contribution)
    arXiv, 2023.

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